# entropy gathering commands # NetBSD 1.x, contributed by Tim Roden # Format is: "program-name args" path rate # The "rate" represents the number of bits of usuable entropy per # byte of command output. Be conservative. # Some comments on the comments: # Depending on the usage of your system, some commands may not produce # output that varies significantly over time, so those lines are commented. # Uncomment them if you feel the output will gather decent entropy. # Other lines are double-commented based on the presence of those files # on your NetBSD system. Adjust the rates as you see fit. #"ls -alni /tmp" /bin/ls 0.02 #"ls -alni /var/tmp" /bin/ls 0.02 ##"ls -alni /var/mail" /bin/ls 0.02 ##"ls -alni /var/spool/postfix" /bin/ls 0.02 ##"ls -alni /var/spool/clientmqueue" /bin/ls 0.02 #"ifconfig -a" /sbin/ifconfig 0.02 "pstat -f" /usr/sbin/pstat 0.02 "netstat -an" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "netstat -in" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "netstat -ina" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 #"netstat -rn" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "netstat -s" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "netstat -ia" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "netstat -is" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "netstat -m" /usr/bin/netstat 0.02 "ps -aux" /bin/ps 0.02 "ps -wax" /bin/ps 0.02 "ps -laxww" /bin/ps 0.02 "w" /usr/bin/w 0.02 "who" /usr/bin/who 0.02 "who -HuT" /usr/bin/who 0.02 #"last" /usr/bin/last 0.02 ##"ac -p" /usr/sbin/ac 0.02 ##"ac -d" /usr/sbin/ac 0.02 ##"lastcomm" /usr/bin/lastcomm 0.02 ##"sa -a" /usr/sbin/sa 0.02 ##"ipfstat" /usr/sbin/ipfstat 0.02 "df" /bin/df 0.02 "df -i" /bin/df 0.02 "uptime" /usr/bin/uptime 0.02 "vmstat" /usr/bin/vmstat 0.02 "vmstat -s" /usr/bin/vmstat 0.02 #"ipcs" /usr/bin/ipcs 0.02 #"arp -a" /usr/sbin/arp 0.02 #"route show" /sbin/route 0.02 #"route -n show" /sbin/route 0.02 #"finger" /usr/bin/finger 0.02 #"finger -l" /usr/bin/finger 0.02 "du -a /var/log" /usr/bin/du 0.02 #"tail -200 /var/log/aculog" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 "tail -200 /var/log/authlog" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/conslog" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/ipmon" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 "tail -200 /var/log/maillog" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 #"tail -200 /var/log/messages" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/httpd/access_log" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/httpd/error_log" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/httpd/php_log" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/httpd/ssl_engine_log" /usr/bin/tail 0.02 ##"tail -200 /var/log/httpd/ssl_request_log" /usr/bin/tail 0.02